There are many more Heme-Onc angels that will appear here over time.  I have yet to
squeeze time from the universe to tell you about Sarah, Gretchen, Kim, Kim, Corey, Bob,
Tiffany, Stephanie, or several others.  I will do my best to track everyone down for pictures
eventually.  I really can never hope to convey to those of you reading this, or to these people
themselves, what they have meant to our family.  Every day of this battle, I thank the universe
for giving us such an amazing set of people to help us heal our child.

Before you think I am all peaches and cream and rosey in my views...there have, indeed,
been Heme-Onc people I didn't care for.  I won't dignify them by naming them, because I
firmly believe they won't remain a part of Heme-Onc for long - there are too many good
people to allow nasty ones to stay.

I have had dealings with a floor nurse who didn't have the slightest understanding or interest
in the hearts of her patients or families.  In fact, she was just plain nasty and I'd love to never
see her again, these kids don't need negative people in their lives.  I've met nurses that were
there because they got paid to be, not because they loved it.  I don't find them harmful, but
they're also not going to be glorified by me.  These pages are to point out the amazing
people who go beyond a mere job, and give of their hearts.  

The Heme-Onc angels I tell you about are truly amazing, and deserving of as much
admiration as I can muster for them.  As you say your prayers, talk around the water cooler,
or think about the good in the world...I ask you to cast a positive, thankful thought their
direction...they deserve every ounce of positive energy they can get.
On to the Dinner Fairies
Our Angels:
Avalon's Army of Angels