Avalon's Army of Angels
August 19, 2008 Off to Dayton
Short entry today. The kids and I are off to Dayton. I spent the morning waiting on people
from the hospital to get back to me about Ambrosia's follow-up appointment. Grrr...if you
say you'll call back in a few minutes, don't make someone wait 4 hours. Double Grrrrr....
All four kids and I are headed to my parents' house. Aurora, Anam,and I will spend the
night, and stay tomorrow until Grammo and Pappo come home from work. As soon as
they're home, we're leaving, to give Ambrosia and Avalon their special "weekend".
Originally, Grammo and Pappo had a special Summer vacation week planned with the girls.
They were supposed to take Aurora to the Rock N Roll Hall of fame in Cleveland. They
were to spend the night in a hotel (big, big fun) and then spend the day exploring Aurora,
OH. (pretty easy to guess why...) G and P were going to pick up Ambrosia and Avalon,
when they dropped off Aurora, and take them home to Dayton for several days. One of
which was supposed to be at the Newport Aquarium in Cincinnat, and one at the Children's
Museum in Dayton. All of this was "supposed" to happen, the same week Avalon's first
temporal decompression did happen.
Aurora was able to go on her special trip, but the girls were short-changed. Grammo
stayed off work, and remained in Columbus to care for kiddos, and Pappo went back to
work, so he could care for kiddos during the second decompression. Ambrosia and Anam
got to go to the zoo and COSI with Pappo, but Avalon lost out all the way around.
This trip is "make up" for the vacation that wasn't. Ambrosia and Avalon will spend Wed
evening with G & P, then go to the aquarium with them on Thursday. Friday they'll all go to
a movie, and Saturday G & P will bring them home in time for the big Jonas Brothers
concert. Not quite as long as originally planned, but guaranteed to be barrels of fun.
Of course, I am delivering them damaged goods. Rotten little monkey that she is, Ambrosia
is refusing to let me tell Grammo and Pappo about her arm. She can't wait for the look on
their faces when they see her! She loves shock value.
As for Avalon? She's just thrilled to be spending the night somewhere that's NOT the
hospital! She's rather bitter about all the spoiling Ambrosia and Anam got, while she got
shafted. Can't say I blame her.