Avalon's Army of Angels
August 24, 2008 Damn part two
Stupid energy sucking beast...he got her good this time. Avalon was asleep in the car before
we were out of the parking lot last night. While she woke up long enough hug Grammo and
Pappo when we got home, the fact is, we can probably consider her "asleep" from 11:15 on.
That being said, I had to wake her up at 1:15 p.m. today!! That's insane. She pretty much
laid around all day, watching cartoons. Truly nothing stressful or taxing. By 8:00 p.m., she
was already laying down on the couch. By 9:00 p.m., she was out for the night. She missed
most of the closing ceremonies of the Olympics, and she'd been excited to see them. Criminy,
she missed all but about 7 1/2 hours of the day!! And yes, she had headaches today.
Then, there is the "spot" we discovered on Avalon today. One of the days the girls were at my
mom's house, Grammo had called me to ask about a giant red spot Avalon had developed on
her left calf. Pappo said he'd developed a same bump recently from a bug bite. I just told
them to do corticaid or neosporin and watch it for the next few days. Avalon's always reacted a
bit to mosquito bites.
The thing she woke up with this morning can hardly be called a "mosquito bite". Its more like
an army assault of the bug kind. I have no idea what she's reacting to, but I took lots of
pictures to show her rheumatologist. He says weird reactions are important to helping him
narrow down her auto-immune issues. This time, I've got something worth showing him. This
isn't as much of a "damn" as it is a "crud". This poor kid just can't catch a break.
I do have one bright spot to report for the day, though. Actually, its not so much a "bright spot"
as it is a "LESSON". See pictures below...
And finally: Lesson #312: Why you do not give a baby one of the chocolate cupcakes his sisters made...
This is the back of her right leg, just above the knee. We think sometime in the night, she scratched the little red place in the middle. How crazy huge is this?!