Avalon's Army of Angels
August 29, 30, 31, 2008
Family Camp!
August 31, 2008 - last morning of camp

Sunday is a really short day.  We got up, packed up, and headed for breakfast.  After
breakfast, we came back to the cabin and cleaned:  running the sweeper, replacing the linens
we didn't use, and scrubbing the bathroom and counters.  We always want to leave the cabin
better than we found it, so we'll be welcomed back the next time.  Here's the thing, leaving it
better than we found it isn't exactly a tall order.  We "found" it with dead bugs all over the floor.
 Ewwwww.....  And don't even ask me about the spider that was crawling on me in the middle of
the first night.  Quadruple EWWWWWWWWW......

I do have a great cabin story that I forgot to add to the Saturday journal.  After Bingo, Nick, the
three little ones, and I headed back to the cabin - leaving Aurora to her volleyball game.  
There are 4 doors that enter the cabin, two for the main room, then one for each of the front
bedrooms.  We usually went in and out of one of the main room doors, because there was
more room to maneuver the wheelchair and stroller.  

As we walked in Saturday night, Nick says, "Hey, we have a visitor!"  Lo and behold, there sat
a baby mouse, right in front of us.  I would sell my right hooter to have the next few minutes on
video.  Here's big bad Daddy, trying to catch tiny little rodent - without getting bit.  All while
daughter's 2 and 3 are shrieking, "Don't hurt it Daddy!"  "
I'm not going to hurt him - I just don't
want to
sleep with him!"  (since I was the one sleeping on the floor, I happened to
wholeheartedly agree)  

As Big Daddy is pursuing the mouse, I realize the space under the door to our bedroom is
more than ample enough to service said baby mouse, so I'm on door defense, doubting my
aging reflexes against those of our visitor.  Meanwhile, Nick is frantically
grabbing/releasing/cupping/snatching at, while barking directions to the bewildered girls.  At
one point, the mouse disappears between Ambrosia's feet, and we have a brief moment we
can't decide if we should tell her or not.  Then, we do - she moves, it darts.  There was also
the time it ran headlong into the trash can...only to bounce off and pause briefly to shake its
slightly rattled head.  One last dash under the wheelchair - and as I threw my life and
well-being aside to protect the door and my night of slumber....Nick was finally victorious.  

And Anam just watched.  

Again, the girls begged for the little beastie's well being.  Good grief, we would have had to
have hearts of pure limestone to have harmed him.  He was actually stinkin' cute!  The little
guy was very young, so he had huge eyes and ears relative to his body size, not to mention
that he actually was round, instead of typical oblong mouse shape.  After assuring the girls
that he wouldn't hurt the mouse, but that it absolutely COULD NOT come home with us....Nick
took the tyke out back for his travel departure.  Nick wished him well and sent him off on his
flight - far, far away from the back of the cottage.  If he managed to find his way back, I'm
confident it was long after we'd safely returned home, mouse free.  

Anyway, after our final Sunday morning cleaning, we drove up to camp, for the big Duck Race.
 Our girls didn't win, but we sure enjoyed the process.  A few wet ducks and lots of hugs later,
and we were homeward bound.  It was a fun, exciting way to top off a wonderful weekend.  
Like I said in the Saturday entry - I can't wait to do it all again!

I won't argue that I wish we had money to take real family vacations, but I also won't deny how
amazing these weekends are.  We are beyond grateful to Kids N Kamp for providing this
opportunity for we families that would never sleep away from home otherwise.  This is our
version of a 4 star resort.  And I promise you, I bet we have more fun than the people who
stay at real ones!  
Our Cabin
Looking toward the outside door of our room.
The Common Room
My cozy (NOT) little floor bed.