Tuesday December 22, 2009 Our Christmas card |
Twas the season of Merry and all through the house, Chaos was king, we lost the damned mouse! The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, With hopes that St Nick won't pause long enough to stare. My floor's always hairy, the toys piled deep, The laundry's not done, and there's not enough sleep. With kids that fill out from toddler to teen I have to admit, I'm not a house-queen. We do school online, spending hours a day staring at computers, in zombie-like ways. With our medical kiddo, we run trip after trip to hospitals, and doctors we wish we could skip. Twas the year of two more brain surgeries, and hair that's buzzed off, But Avalon's 6 year old smile and bravery is nothing to scoff. Ambrosia's now eight, plays soccer and all, She's a model for sure with her smile and tall. Our oldest, Aurora, is a whopping fifteen! She's smart, and I'm proud, I hold her in the highest esteem. Anam, my Anam, my youngest, my son... He's 3, he's quite ornery, he's a picture of fun! The year's been quite rotten by standards of living, Business has stunk, we've not made as much as we're 'giving' (to bills!) But money ain't all that it's cracked up to be, We still have our kids, and that's the PERFECT to me! I'm still plump, we're still poor, but you know what I think? "We have it ALL and then some"... she said with a wink. I hope our note finds you happy and enjoying your life With those you love most, in the absence of strife. May you laugh, dance and celebrate in the bestest of ways And we wish you the most incredible of all holidays! Many wonderful wishes for a happy, healthy 2010. We hope you find days filled with Love and months filled with Joy Nick, Alicia, Aurora, Ambrosia, Avalon, and Anam |